Hi !
My name is Oriana,
I’m a 25 year old French and Colombian blogger (since December 2016) who lives in Paris, meaning I speak Spanish and French too : don’t hesitate to talk to me in those languages if you want !
I am a lover of video games (WoW, Blade & Soul, Fortnite, Pokemon, Zelda, Diablo… too many things to mention). I also enjoy fashion, DIY, Beauty, & Travelling, therefore these are my principal categories of this blog. Keep in mind that I like to talk about a lot of subjects, but I am by no means an expert !
I really enjoy creating things, and I guess the main reason for the creation of this blog is to show that to you, random person ! So please, grab a cuppa, and make yourself at home.
Things you might not know about me, that might make you know me better :
• I don’t like coffee
• I’m less than 1.60 m (62,9 inches)
• I secretly cry when I watch romantic drama series & movies
• I lived 4 years in Peru, and a year in Spain
• I love tattoos but I’m scared of needles
• I love to draw
• I’m a Cat-Holic (I’m not catholic, but cats are my religion)
Disclaimer :
• In this blog, I’m not making any guarantees or promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented, all relies only on my own experience and might not apply to everyone. Any information found on my website is not a substitute for professional advice.
• This blog may contain affiliate links, thank you so much for your support ♥
• Any information that I provide on my blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but there may be omissions, errors or mistakes (sorry in advance !)