Hey ! I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award !
I’m really happy, thank you so much Cheila for nominating me. Go visit her blog, she’s a really sweet person and has a nice and pretty site !
I made this award so it fits better the aesthetics of my blog, but you can find the original award logo on the Blog that created this award.
• The rules to follow if you’re nominated :
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
- Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
• How I started this blog
I started this blog not so long ago, my first post was on the 20th of December 2016.
I had another “real” blog before like 4 years ago but in french. By “real” I mean : “a blog that I invest time on“, I don’t count all the skyblogs that I had (yes, shame on me, I was young ok).
I got pretty bored of the first one, I felt that the french community was a bit restricting in terms of what readers liked to read about, the “popular” blogs only had the same subjects and/or the same aesthetics. That’s why when I started this blog, I decided to write it in English (even thought it’s not my maternal language at all) to be able to share with more people around the world, from different cultures and countries.
In the end I started it a bit out of the blue, I love creating things and I guess I needed a place where I could share these creations or hobbies with other people that have the same interests.
• Advice to new bloggers
I’m not a professional, but here is some advice based on the little experience I have :
- Don’t rush it, don’t post something too fast just because you want it to be out as soon as possible, take some time to re-read it at least a few hours after you wrote your post, correct your errors and/or change your mind about something you wrote.
- On the other side, don’t post too little (i’m already contradicting myself haha). The thing is you need the right amount of posts at the right time, so the readers don’t get bored of hearing about you every hour , and that they don’t forget about you either. Personally, I try to post at least 1 post per week, but ideally 3 posts per week.
- Be yourself ! I know it sounds cliched and overused, but it’s actually a good advice. Write about things you actually like, and don’t fake your opinions, say what you really think about it ! Of course don’t get offensive – or do so, if you don’t want to be family-friendly : it’s your choice after all. I remember when I started my first blog, I tried to please everyone in my posts by not saying anything someone would disagree on. That made my blog really boring and impersonal.
- Have fun ! In the end, if you’re a master procrastinator, or just don’t like to follow rules, then there aren’t any rules ! Do what you like, write what you want, share whenever you feel like sharing. The important part is that you yourself like what you do. Does that contradict all of the above ? Yes. Does it matter ? No !
You see, that’s the spirit.
• The bloggers I nominate :
Thanks for reading, and see you soon for the next post !
I really like the customized logo you created for this award! Congratulations on your award ?
I look forward to your writing!
Ps: I obsess over everything french – from makeup to lifestyle!
Thank you so much ! ? It’s true that it’s a really appealing culture haha ?
Congratulations on your award oriana.
Thanks a lot ! ??
Congrats and best wishes…
Thank you Trayee ! Best wishes to you too 🙂
Thanks Dear…
New to the blogging party, but I hear congratulations are in order for a young blogger who has just received the ‘Blogger Recognition Award’, congratulations Oriana!
Thank you so much ! And best wishes for your new blogging beginning too ! 😀 <3
Congratulations! ((:
Thank you ! ?
Thanks ! ??