Hey !
The end of June is already here, and I’m writing this at exactly 23:56. I’m so sorry, I’m going to be absolutely late again since I’m supposed to post this on every 28th of the month. But hey at least in America it’ll still be the 28th, so let’s say it’s kiiind of fine ?
This month, I don’t feel like I’ve done much really, I guess the month was a bit monopolized by me thinking about my birthday (I just looove when it’s my birthday).
If you want you can also check out my previous May Favorites !
Here are my June favorites :
1. Sense 8
I was wondering if I should put this here or not, since it’s kind of a bittersweet favorite. The thing is, I am in love with this show, I think it might even be one of my favorite series ever. It’s the most human, well thought, well written show I’ve ever seen. The directors were the ones that directed The Matrix, you know they know what they’re doing. The cast is incredible, I felt like crying so many times only by looking at their expressions. But, because there is a but : Netflix cancelled it.
Netflix, I love you, but dammit you broke my heart ?

2. This T-Shirt !
Do you recognize it ? You might have noticed it on my sidebar wishlist, well I finally got to buy it ! I can’t wait to use it for an outfit post. I love the message displayed, because let’s not forget that boys cry too ! ?
If you want to buy it online : Click Here !
3. My Birthday (you don’t say)
This is an obvious favorite, since I loved celebrating my birthday this year ! It was really a cool birthday with all my friends, I was very grateful ! I don’t want to repeat myself, so here is my Birthday Post, and also if you want to see what I got : my Birthday Gifts Post !
4. Museums
If you still don’t know : I live in France. And since it was my birthday a few days ago, I am now 25. You don’t see the connexion between those two facts ? Well, in France, museums, art exhibitions, some historical monuments, are free.… until you reach 26 years old. That’s why I decided, this last year of free admission, to visit every free museum I could, before it’s too late (aka : with a fee for entry).
I’ve visited 4 so far, i’ll show my visits on the blog if you’re interested in Paris museums ! ?
5. New Friends !
I don’t know if you know, but I’ve never had many friends. It’s not really that I did not want to make some, but hell I did not have a clue how you were supposed to talk to people. It seems ridiculous, don’t worry I know ! ? But these last years, especially thanks to Victor, my beloved boyfriend, I managed to evolve so much in terms of social interaction. I’m still very insecure, but I’ve managed to make some friends ! I’ve also made some friends through blogging, and it is really awesome, but I was not as scared of making friends online as I am in real life. Lately I made many new friends that are fun, smart but uncomplicated, exactly the kind of people I love being around. I’m very grateful for being able to achieve this ! ?
So, these were my 5 June favorites !
What did you do this month ? Do you have any favorites ?
Love that shirt and happy birthday again (: really enjoyed your posts about it! I’m preparing my June favorites as well as one of my followers actually mentioned they were looking forward to it when I hadn’t even decided to make it a monthly thing haha guess I’ll do my best. Yours are always fantastic xoxo
Thank you Kitty ! Haha I know how you feel, followers sometimes expect you to follow some blogging trends, such as favorites posts ! ? I’ll be looking forward to your own June faves ! ??
Thank you! It was exciting to me cause I didn’t realize people liked it so much, but I’m glad and I really appreciate the support (:
Love that shirt and yay for June birthdays, I’m right there with you!
Thank you Brittney ! ? Was your birthday on June too ? ?
Love the boys cry shirt?
It’s always good to make friends, true friends anyways. Especially through blogging☺️
Thank you dear ! ? Absolutely, blogging friends are awesome ?
I can’t believe June is almost over!! Also, I didn’t know that Netflix cancelled Sense 8 🙁 I liked that show..
I saw some really good news today : thanks to the fans support and demands, they’re making a 2h long episode to end the series properly ! ??
That’s perfect! I’m glad they’re giving it a chance to wrap up properly ?
I’m so sad sense 8 got cancelled too! And the Get Down also got cancelled. Not cool Netflix! ??
I also love that you’ve made good, uncomplicated friends! I love making new friends cause I don’t have that many in real life. Loool
Pearl ||
Dammit, I wanted to start watching The Get Down ! I heard it was really good too ? But here’s at least one great new : they’re making a 2h long episode to end sense 8 ! I’m a bit less mad now haha ? And yeah not having much friends seems like it’s a blogger thing, many of us are the same ! ?
Love that tee! You still have it on your wish list…unless you want 2? :P. Congrats on making some new friends, that is so nice! :D. Me and my boyfriend are both loners together :O lol
Oh right, I completely forgot to take it out ! Thank you Emma ? It seems like being antisocial is a bloggers thing haha ! ?
5 favorites every month… mmm… great blog idea ? Loved this post and a happy belated birthday ?
Thank you Kaybe ! ? It wasn’t my idea though, I inspired myself from the current favorites many bloggers present, monthly or not ! ? But I’m very glad you liked my version ??