Spring is here for good now, and to celebrate I refreshed a little my decoration ! This season is such a great source of inspiration in my opinion, I used it in fashion to put together my Blushing Pink outfit post, but also for a spring decor.
Let me show you how I inspired myself from the colors of spring, to create a beautiful themed decor :
Aesthetic Frame Arrangement
I wanted for long ago to upgrade my frame game, as the only things on my walls were mostly postcards and posters with some Blu-Tack or an equally cheap adhesive. But I didn’t want my apartment to look like a student’s dorm anymore, so I designed some pictures to print in beautiful frames. On top of those, I added a rose gold clock, this color is very representative of spring to me ! All the frames are white, except for one, that matches the clock. I also added a little map from the game Dofus, It’s really well made and brings back so many memories !
The prints are (for some) geeky themed, can you guess from which fandom they’re from ?
Answer is : The Lord of The Rings.
(just in case the frame just above wasn’t obvious enough, ya know)
This one is from a different movie, it says “courage is crazy”.
We chose it as a private joke, but I still like the result :
✘ White Frames : HEMA
✘ Rose gold Frame : Maisons du Monde
✘ Rose gold Clock : Amazon
Trendy Wall Grid
I’ve been wanting a wall grid for much time now, they are trending like crazy lately ! I love the wires, and the fact that you can make it your very own by clipping whatever you like on it. For spring, I added soft & colorful pieces, small flower clips, and copper clips to match the clock and frames. But when other seasons come, you can adjust it so it matches. It’s the ultimate customizable decoration !
Here’s how it looks form afar, next to my frame set :
✘ Grid Wall : Maisons du Monde
✘ Copper Clips : Maisons du Monde
Floral Everywhere
I think we’ll all agree that what represents spring the best are flowers, so let’s not forget to add some to decorate ! Be it real flowers or fake, a nice bouquet freshens up a room. I got myself these cute pink flowers that I combined with white roses, a framed leaf skeleton that I took as a souvenir when we were in the amazonian forest, and a nice copper basket with cute flowers inside.
✘ Pink Bouquet : Amazon
✘ White Frame : HEMA
✘ Copper Basket : Amazon
✘ Individual Faux Flowers : HEMA
A Bit Of Nature
Spring decor means flowers but over all, it means sprouts, nature, plants ! Since my boyfriend is allergic to flowers I can’t have real ones at home, but small flowerless plants are perfectly fine. I got myself a cute small ivy, and my mother-in-law gave this trendy Pilea. It’s a plant with round leaves, kind of like a land water lily ! Adding a touch of greenery helps getting that springy feeling into your home.
Between both those plants I added this lil’ fox guardian, that I brought back from the Inari Fox Temple in Japan. He has his own little forest to look out for !
I hope you liked this spring decor !
Do you also decorate your home according to the season ?
Your sense of style is so nice! It’s like the exact opposite of mine so it’s really interesting to look at. Great post x