After discovering the benefits of Korean skin care in my Klairs Toner Review, and my Mandelic Acid Review, let’s test out a bit of Korean Makeup !
From what we can see on the internet, Korean makeup is really popular right now.
The K-look is often composed of these kind of elements :
- Natural looking straight eyebrows
- Gradient lips
- Rosy cheeks
These three are the ones that I tried to apply to this makeup !
For this look, i’m also using Panda’s Dream from Tonymoly, that you may have already seen in my Birthday Haul post. How cute is that packaging ! :
Tonymoly’s Panda’s Dream is a duo set composed of a blush, and a lipstick.
I love that concept, if I go somewhere all I need to bring is this cute panda, not two separate products. This is a great space saving idea !
✘ How to recreate this makeup look :
1. Apply some peel-off eyebrow tint, to have that natural eyebrow look, not sharp and defined as usual, but natural with a deeper color. I used one from a Korean brand, My Brows by Novo. It’s really cool, and it goes away after two or three showers, so it can last a few days !
2. Apply primer, foundation and powder. I used Photo Finish Primer from Smashbox, and Air Mat foundation from Bourjois.
3. Put on some blush on the top of your cheeks, around your cheekbones. I used the cream powder from my TonyMoly Panda, fingers were perfect to spread it.
4. Now the gradient lips. First, apply foundation on your lips, avoiding the middle. Next, apply some lipstick, concentrating only on the middle. I used the one from Panda’s Dream, again. Now, take a lip brush or your fingers, and spread the lipstick from the middle to the edges, making it gradient. Add a bit more foundation around the interior edges, and you’re done !
What do you think of this Korean makeup look ?
I think I did pretty well for my first time ! 🙂
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